Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fighting the Good Fight

I received my Quote of the Week yesterday from Andrew Cohen. He is a magnificent teacher and forward thinker. This quote gave me goose bumps and chills. Hope it does the same for you.

I highly recommend subscribing to his weekly email. www.andrewcohen.org


The Evolutionary Enlightenment Teachings of Andrew Cohen

I believe that any individual who has spiritually awakened in our time, to the degree that he or she finds a higher and deeper motive for living, is going to be driven to fight the good fight in one way or another. Whether it is through engaging with the struggle to evolve consciousness or fighting to save our world from climate change or nuclear war, the spiritual impulse cannot be separated from the moral compulsion to make the world a better place. And in order to fight the good fight, we have to engage, we have to get into the ring, not just stand outside it and be philosophers.

It takes guts and integrity of motive to fight the good fight. It takes a passionate interest in life itself. It's easy to stand on the sidelines, shaking your head and commenting on how tragic things are. But if you really care, you are going to be in the ring, trying to make the world a better place. And only from that position will your words and your thoughts and your insights have weight. When you live an engaged life, your sense of self gains depth and power and authority, and your philosophy is no longer abstract. You become a person who can really make a difference, because you are actively participating, you are digging deep, and you are pushing up against the edge of your own potential. ~Andrew Cohen

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