Thursday, June 3, 2010

Excitement or Happiness?

Many people think of excitement as happiness. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace. ~ The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh

Reading this passage a few days ago literally took my breath away. How many times per week do I mistake excitement for happiness? I would answer hundreds of times.

Our society craves excitement because we mistake it for happiness. We are excitement seekers searching for a thrill to quench our thirst. We thrive on experiencing the fast roller coaster, the thrill of purchasing a new car, the last minute of a championship game. Those moments are fleeting. The excitement wears off, the hangover begins and we find ourselves searching for the next big thrill. In the process, we exhaust ourselves both emotionally and physically.

“When you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.” “True happiness”, says TNH, “cannot be purchased, it must be cultivated.”
This master teaches us how to cultivate happiness. It begins with conscious breathing and focus on the moment at hand. In other words, “be here now!” It continues with conscious movement such as yoga or walking meditation. Our peacefulness is then strengthened through seated meditation practice.

No rollercoaster, no last second touchdown, no Porsche will ever “make” us happy. Think about this. Notice if you too confuse excitement with happiness. I believe that observation will help us break free from the delusional search for excitement. I would love to hear your comments.

In peace.

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