Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Day in Space

Today I experienced incredible spaciousness. My two daughters went off to high school this morning. They took the bus at 6:30 am and I picked them up after soccer practice at 4:30 pm. I was on my own for ten hours. During that time, I must have checked my on-line calendar at least four times just to be sure that I wasn’t missing an appointment or a phone call. There was a strange slowness about the day and I found myself floating in it.

Don’t be mistaken, I did have to teach and then work today but there was a sense of vastness surrounding the day that I have not experienced in a long time. Gone from my home office were the faint calls of, “Mom….Mom….where are you?” Absent from my agenda was the insane schedule of drop-offs and pick- ups that I scurried through all summer. There simply was just space. I have to tell you that I love space.

Our yoga practice creates space in our bodies. Our meditation practice creates space in our minds. We create such room in our lives anytime we are just present and in the moment. We can discover pockets of space in our lives if we just look for it. Perhaps it is those twenty minutes home from work or the quiet hour before dawn. Time spent in spaciousness can crack us open. It can help us feel more alive.

My day in space was spectacular. I am looking forward to more of it. The great news is that today is the first day of school and next summer is a long way away.

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