Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Rose by any other Name

You may have noticed over the past few weeks that we have changed the name of our yoga center to simply Verge Yoga.

While we opened our doors five years ago as Verge Power Yoga, the focus of our classes has since shifted from a faster-paced, more complicated practice to a yoga practice based on simplicity and mindfulness.

The shift of focus at Verge over the past few years has evolved naturally alongside the collective shift in global thinking from big, fast growth to simple, steady growth.

As I often say in class, our practice reflects the way in which we live. If we continue to move quickly on our mats, we will continue to move quickly in our lives. As we learn to practice yoga with precision and mindfulness, we will learn to move through our days more consciously.

So, as Shakespeare famously wrote, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Our change of name to Verge Yoga is a subtle shift of perception. Our classes remain just as "sweet"... simple, mindful and powerful. As always, it is our intention to offer you a community in which you can unblock, unfold and unleash your power and innate wisdom.

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